Types, Nature and Characteristics of Roots along with Examples

Types, Nature and Characteristics of Roots along with Examples
Types, Characteristics and Characteristics of Roots and Their Examples in Complete - On previous occasions I have discussed the Definition and Parts of the Root and Its 4 Complete Functions. For this occasion here will review the Types, and Characteristics of Roots and Their Characteristics. Therefore, let us consider the review below.

Types of Roots
1. Root fiber
This type of fibrous root is found in a monocot plant. But there are also dicotyledonous plants that can also have them (dicotyledonous plants are bred in two ways namely by means of grafting or by cuttings). In the main function of the root fibers that is to be able to strengthen its establishment in a plant.

2. Taproot
This type of root is usually found in a dicot plant. Taproot has the main function which is to store a food. Examples are: carrots, sweet potatoes and others.

Other types of roots namely adventitious roots include:
1. Hanging Root
A hanging root is a type of root that grows from the top of the stem and grows towards the ground. The position of the hanging root is seen hanging in the air. This hanging root has a function that is to absorb water vapor and a gas that is in the air. However, if the hanging root has reached the ground, then the hanging root will enter the soil and is useful for absorbing water and a mineral salt in the soil. Plants that have hanging roots, for example, banyan trees.

2. Breath Root
This type of root that grows out from the stem at the bottom. The root of the breath usually partly appears on a surface of the ground and also some of the others are in the ground. This root can look like it is supporting the upright on a stem. The root of the breath has many openings for air to enter. Which so that at the root of the breath has a function that is to breathe. Plants that have breath roots, for example, are mangrove and pandanus plants.

3. Sticky Root
Root sticking is one type of root that grows along the stem. This sticking root is in a plant that grows climbing. Root sticking has a function that is to attach the stem to a wall or other plants. one example of a plant that has a sticky root is betel plant.

Also read the related article references:
Understanding and parts of the root and 4 functions in full
Vegetative propagation of plants and their advantages and disadvantages
Definition of Strengthening Networks (Kolenkim-Sklerenkim) in Plants and Their Characteristics and Functions
Definition of Motion and Response to Plants and Examples
Understanding 100 Types and Parts of Interest
Complete understanding of type functions and stem structures

Root Traits
The root is one part of the plant that is usually in the soil, root growth leads to the soil.
In general, the root away from a light so that in its growth will be faster.
The root is not like other parts of the plant such as the stems and also leaves that have a green color because the leaves contain a chlorophyll, the color of the root which is whitish or yellowish.
The growth occurs at the root tip which is one of the primary growth points where there is a meristimatik tissue, as well as the apical dominance mechanism that occurs at a root.
At the tip of the root has a tapered shape and serves to penetrate the soil and can break rocks.

Nature of the Root
The root has properties that is one part of the plant whose position in the soil can continue to grow. The direction of movement of root growth is influenced by gravity (geotropy) or by water (hydrotropy). Roots can grow through the ground because it has a pointed tip. At a root there are no books which form segments. Generally, the roots are pale and do not have chlorophyll, so they cannot carry out photosynthesis.
In a plant root has an important role to uphold a plant so that the plant is strong to stand and stand.
That is a review of the Types, Nature and Characteristics of Roots along with Examples in Complete. Hopefully what is reviewed above is useful for the reader. That is all and thank you.